Boulton Glass

Unique and original handmade glass

A Sneaky Peek………..

The exhibition is at the Forum cafe on Division St, Sheffield from 7 May and will run for 6 weeks.

Sun catchers

I have made some Sun Catchers in an attempt to encourage the sun to come out…


Pretty boxes

The little trinket boxes are finished. They measure 100mm square and 25mm deep.

I made a few more, a little larger 110mm square by 35mm deep……

This glass is dark blue with sparkles. You can see this if you click on the image to enlarge it

Copper Foil & Solder

I have copper foiled all the edges of the glass. The solder will fix to the copper foil which will allow me to connect all the sides together and start to form the box.

Dull & Sharp to Shiny & Curvy

In the kiln, the glass was heated to about 850C which is just hot enough to fuse and curve the edges. Oh and make the glass shine !

A new project

I want to make some trinket boxes with an aim to sell on ETSY.

First steps are to cut, and fire the glass in the kiln………..

a lid and 4 sides x 3


Finished, but not installed

Brushed with a black patina, a good polish and the job is done. I will post some photo’s  of it in situe as soon as it is installed.

a little orange

Solder & Cement

I’m approaching the end of this project. I have soldered the joints, cemented all the lead and dusted the window all over with whitening. This will help pull the moisture out of the cement and speed up the drying process a little.

The final stage is a dab of black patina upon the lead to give a a look of age and then a good polish but I’m not quite there yet…..

Just a light dusting.............

The solder joints are looking fine

Moving on

A day to clean, a day to assemble and lead..........

A little out of focus

First time blogger

This is my first time into the world of blog so I may fall foul a few times …………

I have just started to restore a friends stained glass window and I thought it may be a good idea to document it.

I have been working with glass, in many different forms for a few years but, as yet have not managed to record the start, middle or finished results of any project so far.

This window has come out of a front door

Number 33 has been replaced at some time with different glass.

A crack in the green